Meet the gods – Triff die Götter: Brighid

Passend zum nahen Imbolc kommt hier die Mappe für Brighid.


  • Wissenswertes über Brighid
  • Minimeditation mit einer Kerze
  • Lied: Brighid, du bist toll
  • Klorollengöttin Brighid
  • Geschichte: Cailleach und Brighid
  • Basteln: Wir machen eine eigene Kerze
  • Basteln: Wir machen selber Butter


Wer mag, kann natürlich auch Brighid-Kreuze flechten, einen Brunnen mit Bändern schmücken, ein Tuch an Imbolc nach draußen hängen oder, wenn es gerade nicht Imbolc bei euch sein sollte:

  • Thema Heilung: Schnupperspiel mit ätherischen Ölen, selber eine Salbe oder einen Hustensaft herstellen (Rezepte für Zwiebelsaft etc. gibt es zahlreiche im Internet)
  • Thema Dichtkunst und Inspiration: selber Gedichte schreiben mit den Kindern (Elfchen, Haiku, mit jüngeren Kindern: Vers vorgeben, Reimwort suchen lassen), Erzählsteine/Karten nutzen um selber eine Geschichte zu verfassen
  • Thema Feuer: mit größeren Kindern eine Vigil abhalten (am Wochenende natürlich), einen Kurs zum Umgang mit Feuer und Brandschutz, das Herdfeuer – Brighid in der Küche, Brighid schützt Heim und Herd: Was ist für uns als Familie wichtig/Wo setzen wir unsere Grenzen?, vielleicht eine Schmiede in einem Heimatmuseum besuchen
  • Thema Reinigung und Erneuerung: gemeinsam einen Hausputz abhalten, Zimmer aufräumen und entrümpeln, Badesalz oder Öl herstellen oder eine Räuchermischung

Was auch immer ihr macht: Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß und eine tolle Begegnung mit Brighid! 

Meet the gods – Triff die Götter – Brighid

Meet the gods – Triff die Götter: Cernunnos

Der keltische Cernunnos ist praktisch die Mustervorlage für einen heidnischen männlichen Gott, zumindest in den Köpfen derjenigen, die sich nur am rande damit beschäftigen. Nicht nur aus diesem Grund sollte er in dieser Sammlung auf keinen Fall fehlen.


  • Geschichte: Wie der Regenbogen an den Himmel kam
  • Bastelvorlagen: Cernunnos als Klorollengott und den Grüner-Mann-Maske
  • Wissenswertes. Wer ist Cernunnos?
  • Selbstreflexion: Das Wilde in mir
  • Schatzsuche in der Natur
  • Cernunnos als Torhüter: ein Lied


Meet the gods – Triff die Götter – Cernunnos

Triff die Götter: Skadi

Eigentlich hatte ich sie gar nicht auf dem Plan, aber Skadi hatte offenbar andere Pläne als ich. Daher also hier die Skadi-Ausgabe von Meet the gods-Triff die Götter!


Geschichte: Skadi fordert ihr Recht

Basteln: Klorollengöttin Skadi

Fakten/Infos: Wer ist Skadi?

Meditation: Eine Welt aus Eis

Basteln: Wir basteln eine Schneeflocke


Wie immer wünsche ich viel Vergnügen!

Meet the gods – Triff die Götter – Skadi

Ritual zum Schulwechsel

Diese Ritualelemente wurden für ein Ritual anlässlich des Wechsels auf die weiterführende Schule geschrieben. Sie lassen sich aber sicherlich auch für ein Einschulungsritual abwandeln.

Frey war der Wunschgott des betreffenden Kindes X.

Anlass für das Ritual:

Die Ferien sind fast vorbei. Es war ein toller Sommer, so warm und sonnig, wie die meisten von uns es noch nie oder schon lange nicht mehr erlebt haben. Nun beginnt bald wieder die Schule und damit ein neuer Lebensabschnitt für X, der jetzt ins 5. Schuljahr kommt. Eine neue Schule, eine neue Klasse, neue Fächer, neue Lehrer und neue Herausforderungen warten auf ihn! Heute treffen wir uns hier unter den Bäumen, um dies zu feiern und X in den kommenden Wochen zu unterstützen. Nicht nur wir Eltern, sondern alle Vorfahren, alles Geistervolk und alle göttlichen Kräfte sind hierzu herzlich eingeladen!


Frey, Sohn von Njörd,

Bruder von Freya

Ehemann von Gerd,

Vater von Fjölnir!

Gott der Wanen

Du, der die Welt mit Freude und Leichtigkeit erfüllt,

du, der für das pure Leben und die Produktivität steht,

du, der mit Gullinborsti an deiner Seite buchstäblich immer Schwein hat!

Herrscher über Wind und Regen,

dessen Schiff stets die Segel gefüllt hat.

Herr über das Elbenvolk,

Frühlingstänzer, Sommersänger!

Du, der sein Schwert gegeben hat, um die Frau zu erobern, die er liebte.

Wir grüßen dich!

Opfergabe: Auszug aus ‘Magnus Chase’ vorlesen (Dialog Frey/Magnus am Ende des 1. Bandes), Schweinchen aus Marzipan


Wir rufen Frey!

Gott des Sommers,

deine Saison nähert sich dem Ende,

aber noch können wir dich in unserer Mitte begrüßen.

Einst bist du voller Leidenschaft entflammt und hast sehr viel aufgegeben, um dein Ziel, die Frau deiner Träume, zu erreichen.

Eigentlich warst du auf der Suche nach deiner Schwester. Stattdessen sahst du Gerd.

Trotz des Wissens um die Konsequenzen, die dein Tun haben würde, trotz des Kopfschüttelns deiner Mitgötter, bist du nicht zurückgeschreckt vor deinem Tun.

Dein Schwert mag fort sein, dein Tod an Ragnarök irgendwann dadurch vorherbestimmt, aber du hast dein Ziel erreicht!

Heute bitten wir dich:

Entfache diese Zielstrebigkeit auch in X.

Schenke ihm die Weitsicht, sein Ziel zu erkennen und die Disziplin, es nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren.

Schenke ihm den Funken der Inspiration, der seine Kreativität und sein Interesse daran, neue Dinge zu lernen, weckt.

Schenke ihm strahlende Freude und Spaß in der Gemeinschaft seiner Klasse, Freunde, die ihm den Rücken stärken und die Leichtigkeit, den Augenblick zu genießen.

Schenke ihm Produktivität, die Fähigkeit, Dinge zu schaffen und zu Ende zu bringen, und den Erfolg, dass seine Leistung angemessen gewürdigt wird.

Schenke ihm den Mut und die Integrität, zu sich selbst und seinen Zielen zu stehen, auch, wenn andere ihn dafür belächeln oder den Kopf schütteln.

Schenke ihm Familie, die ihn unterstützt und die ihm Halt gibt, so wie du für deine Schwester Freya.

Vor uns liegt (Gegenstand, z.B. Taschenmesser).

Frey, wir weihen dieses Messer mit dem Wasser des Lebens. Es soll X immer an diese Begegnung erinnern und daran, dass er nicht allein ist. Er geht mit deinem Segen, so wie du mit unserer Zuneigung gehst, und wir begleiten ihn auf seinem Weg.

Evt. können verschiedene TN jeweils eine Zeile vorlesen


Anmerkung: Wir hatten ein tolles Ritual im kleinen Kreis. Das Omen für X lautete Dagaz – Ingwaz – Uruz. Für mich persönlich war es sehr spannend, ein Gruppenritual zu leiten, und dann noch Nichtheiden. Normalerweise stehe ich ja alleine da 🙂

4 neue Klorollengötter!

Nach fast einem Jahr Pause erscheinen jetzt vier neue Klorollengötter. Mit von der Partie sind Freya, Mannanán Mac Lir, Poseidon und Iris! Viel Spaß beim Basteln! 

Klorollengötter – Poseidon_NEW

Klorollengötter – Mannanán Mac Lir_NEW

Klorollengötter – Iris_NEW

Klorollengötter – Freya_NEW


Die komplette Übersicht findet ihr hier:


The story of the land wight who wanted to know who had lost his hammer

One morning Beorl, the little land wight, wanted to leave his cavern to get a bit of fresh air and have a swim in a lake nearby, but he couldn’t get out. In front of his cavern entrance lay something. It was really huge, heavy and hard, and no pushing or showing helped. Finally Beorl took a shovel and built a tunnel under the thing. Once outside he took a deep breath. What in the name of all nine worlds had happened here?

Beorl took a closer look at the thing: It looked like a big hammer, with an enormous head from metal and some nice engravings, and a relatively short handle that still was rising high enough that Beorl could hardly see the end. Haven’t I been lucky, he thought by himself. That thing could have easily crashed through my ceiling! But how can I get rid of it? The hammer just can’t lie there forever. I can’t use my cavern properly right now!

Beorl thought hard. Something as big as this hammer had to belong to a either a giant or a god. Humans and spirits couldn’t possibly handle such a heavy weapon. And he hadn’t seen a jotun, a giant, in these parts for ages. So a god had to be the culprit.

He washed his face, because that was really necessary after all this shoveling, and started to search for the hammer’s owner.

The way to Asgard wasn’t long, and at Bifröst, the rainbow bridge, Beorl already met the first god. It was Heimdall, who guards the bridge.

„Have you lost a hammer?“, Beorl asked him. „I?“ Heimdall was surprised. „No, I don’t use a hammer. I have a horn.“ And he took a big horn from his back. „You see? But I mustn’t blow it until Ragnarök, when the worlds come to an end.“

But he let the little land wight cross the bridge so that he could search further.

Next Beorl met the goddess Idun who was sitting in her garden.

„Have you lost a hammer?“, Beorl asked her. „Who, I?“ Idun laughed. „No, I have apples, not a hammer. What would I need a hammer for?“ And she plucked an apple and showed it to Beorl. „Here! One of those will keep you healthy and alive for a long time. The gods eat them all the time!“

And she gave it to Beorl, in case he got hungry on his way.

When he moved on he encountered Odin, who was riding his horse Sleipnir. Beorl stopped the god.

„Have you lost a hammer?“ he asked and carefully avoided Sleipnir’s eight dancing legs. „I?“ Odin droned with a deep voice. „No, I don’t need a hammer. I have some ravens instead.“ He whistled, and two ravens sat down on his shoulders. „May I introduce you to Hugin and Munin? They fly around and tell me everything they have seen.“ But they hadn’t seen who had dropped the hammer in front of Beorl’s cavern, so Odin rode on and left the land wight fast behind.

He reached a house with ‘Fensal’ written on the doors. Said doors and all windows were wide open. Beorl, being a polite land wight, knocked first and entered. A fire was burning brightly in the hearth, and next to it sat a woman he recognized as Frigga.

„Have you lost a hammer?“, he asked her. „I?“, Frigga shook her head. „No, I don’t own a hammer. I always use a spindle.“ She reached into a basket, took a spindle out of it and started spinning. The thread made a bulk around the spindle, and when she let go, the spindle sailed through the open window, rose to the sky and changed into a little cloud.

„Oh!“, Beorl marveled the sight, and then went on, before it started raining.

On a meadow there sat the god Frey and was feeding his golden boar Gullinborsti some acorns.

„Have you lost a hammer?“, Beorl asked him. „I?“ Frey was surprised. „No, not a hammer. I lost a sword, but, to be honest, I didn’t really lose it. I gave it to my friend Skirnir, so he would bring me my beloved wife.“ He smiled sheepishly. „But I still have got my ship!“ He drew a piece of cloth from his bag. It didn’t look very impressive to Beorl, and he said so.

Frey smiled. „I know, but if I throw it into the water I transforms into a big ships with enough place for all the other gods.“ Beorl had to admit that this sounded like a cool trick.

It didn’t take long and he met the next goddess. Freya was going for a ride with her chariot. The cats that drew the chariot were meowing loud when they saw Beorl. „Hello! Have you lost a hammer?“, Beorl asked the goddess and admired her beauty. „What, a hammer? I?“ Freya shook her head. „The only use I might have for a hammer is as a trinket, and I have better things for that.“ She opened her cloak a little bit and showed him the sparkling necklace underneath. „Isn’t she wonderful? The dwarfs made her for me. In never go anywhere without Brisingamen. Not even into a fight. One always should enjoy the beautiful things in life, don’t you think?“ Beorl agreed and thought by himself how beautiful it would be to finally get rid of this hammer!

Next he met the god Loki. He seemed to take a rest, but he was wide awake when Beorl asked him his usual question. „I? A hammer?“ Loki smiled with a mischievous grin. „No, but I could use one. Why?“ Beorl had a weird feeling. „Ah, it was just an idea.“, he answered with care and hurried on. Somehow he wasn’t inclined to give this specific god more details.

He was getting more and more frustrated. He had been searching all morning now, and still hadn’t found the owner. Who might it be? Tired he decided to go home again. Just before he reached the rainbow bridge he encountered a god who had just crossed the bridge. Beorl recognized Thor because of his wild red beard.

„Have you lost a ha-“ he wanted to ask, when Thor quick as a lightening clapped a hand across his mouth. „Pssst!“, the thunder god hissed. „Make sure that no one hears us!“ Carefully he loosened his grip.

„Have you found my hammer?“, he then breathed into Beorls ear. The land wight nodded. „He sits in front of my cavern and blocks the entrance.“ he declared. Thor straightened. „Mjölnir fell out of my pocket yesterday during a race against Loki. If the giants know that I lost him, they will raid Midgard and Asgard in no time and cause chaos. Bring me to your cavern, little land wight! Let’s save the world!“

He got his goats and quickly they reached Beorl’s cavern. There lay the hammer, and hadn’t moved a single bit.

Thor beamed, put on a pair of gloves and lifted the hammer as if he were as light as a feather. „There he is, my Mjölnir!“, he shouted happily and banged the hammer on the ground. Thunder rolled.

„Little Beorl, let me thank you!“

„Not necessary!“, Beorl grumbled softly.

Thor invited him for a dinner with goat steaks to celebrate Mjölnir’s return, but Beorl was too tired after his long search. He crawled through his now open entrance into his cavern, fell on his bed and was fast asleep even before the god had left.

The sleeping chieftain under Gochfortzberg

Right behind Uedem, on the way to Xanten, there is a hill named Gochfortsberg. Earlier the hill had an arrow shaped front that towered over the country, but that part had broken in ages ago. Some mysterious ravines go through the mountain slopes and in the bushes along the hillsides many birds are nesting. It is told that once upon a time a chieftain had his castle on the hill and that he had been buried up there with all his servants. But nothing can be seen.

Our story happens a century or two ago, I can’t get more precise. Life wasn’t too advanced and whoever wanted to visit the neighbor town had to go by horse or on his own feet.

So it did happen that the blacksmith of Kervenheim wanted to go home on this gray foggy day in September. He had had an important well-paid job in Uedem, but now it was late and he wanted to get home. Dawn had set in already, but he was a big and strong man, and the darkness couldn’t frighten him.

His way went across Gochfortzberg. His lantern’s lights were dancing in the ravines and threw weird shadows an the ground, because there was quite some wind and the tree branches were bowing to the wind. Far away he heard a hare’s cry. Probably an owl had caught her.

Suddenly he heard s a swoosh and a swarm of black birds rose and surrounded him,

Startled the blacksmith jumped into the bushes and ducked between the brambles. The birds circles around for a while and then rose higher an higher until they became invisible between the fog and early darkness.

Their croaking kept on ringing in the black smith’s ears. While he tried to get rid of the thorns he say something shiny between the brambles, something he had never seen there before. He held his lantern higher and -yes, he hadn’t misjudged. Under all these twines a door was hidden, and not just any door: It was decorated with heavy iron dress plates, very artfully done, even if they seemed corroded in many places.

The smith was impressed: Some colleague had done a great job with this door. But why, he asked himself. Curiously he shoved some more blackberry twines away and soon he found the door knob.

Carefully he pulled the knob. He was half afraid the rusty knob might come off. But the door opened without a sound and there was a dark tunnel behind her.

Our smith wasn’t Irish: He’d never heard those stories about dangerous fairy hills, so he just allowed his curiosity to lead on and walked along the tunnel. After a few passes he saw a light and soon the tunnel opened into into a chamber. The whole room was shimmering golden, with good reason: The floor was covered with the finest carpeting. Coins, jewels and golden cups were stacked in cupboards along the walls. But most impressive was the golden throne standing in the middle of the room.

The blacksmith was quite surprised when he saw that the room wasn’t lifeless. A man was sitting on the throne, a very old man sporting a long white beard. And next to the throne there was another man in a servant’s uniform that might have been modern ages ago. Both seemed to sleep, but when smith came closer, the man on the throne stirred and opened his eyes. His facial features became smoother and all of a sudden he seemed far younger than before. He straigthened upand now the smith saw that he wore a kind of tiara decorated with jewels. He stopped, but the man had already seen him and signaled him to come before the throne.

How long did I sleep?“ he asked with a booming voice. „I, I don’t know, sir.“ the smith stuttered. „How did you get here?“ „Through the door. There was a door under the brambles. I swear that door hasn’t been there before, but suddenly I saw something shimmer and – „

It’s alright.“, the man nodded. „The door can’t be seen by everyone. I take it that you know about iron magic?“ „I have no idea of magic!“, the smith replied, down to the earth man from the Lower Rhine that he was, „but I am a smith. I know a lot about iron.“

So be it.“, the other man agreed. „Tell me: Are there still birds circling the hill?“

The smith thought of the swarm that had surrounded him just then. „You might say that.“

His dialog partner sighed deeply and said: „So I have to sleep a bit longer. My time hasn’t come yet.“

The smith stopped short at this comment, and thousand questions rushed his head, but the old man already closed his eyes again.

My servant will show you the way out. Farewell, my good smith!“

The servant bowed slightly, took the smith’s lantern and hurried away. At the upper end of the tunnel he returned the lantern and presented him a golden coin with a strange embossment. „Take this as a sign of our gratitude.“

This whole thing had been a little too much even for our tough smith, and so he hurried home to his smithy in Kervenheim. By now it was pitch black outside and raining hard.

At home everybody was sleeping already. So he crawled under the blankets and slept as well. Tomorrow he would tell his wife everything.

But when the morning came and the smith reached for the golden coin in his pocket, it was gone. He searched all his pockets and even went back the whole way to Gochfortzberg, but the door was gone, too. Without any proof his story seemed to be far to adventurous and far-fetched, that years went by until he finally told somebody about it. The only thing he got from this adventure were some gray hairs.

The door stayed lost, and nobody has seen the sleeping chieftain and his servant ever since. And this is how it will remain until the birds stop circling the hill.

There are quite a few stories about Gochfortzberg. One of them is this one, clearly a local variation of the Kyffhäuser myth. I heard about it during an presentation of archeological information and tried to shape those bits into a story. In some variations of this myth the sleeper under the mountain is a bringer of peace, in other he will return on doomsday. As a matter of fact traces of settmlements have been found on the hill that go back to the iron age. Some of them were of Roman origin as well and another interpretation of the origins of the ravines of Gochfortzberg says that the Romans tried to create a shortcut from Xanten to Uedem. Still the story about the sleeping chieftain is one of my favorites and it goes well along with all those other sleeper-stories. The importance of the birds related to the end of the world as we know it is know from the London Tower, too.

Why is this story so interesting for me? Because the hill is quite close to my home. Just a few kilometers away.

The competition between Sun, Frost and Thunder

This story is based on an old Baltic fairy tale. I tried to re-paganize the whole story.

Once upon a time three gods met on a nice spring morning: The sun goddess was going for a ride in her chariot, the god of frost and ice was counting his snowflakes and the thunder god was happily herding a few little clouds. They started talking about this and that, and -because gods are like that- they began to boast who of them would be the mightiest and most powerful one.

The sun goddess shook her head, and her long golden hair flew: „It is quite obvious! People love me: I bring warmth and light to them. So I am surely the most powerful of us.“

But the ruler of the frost laughed: „You might be wrong. They love you, so much is true, but they fear me more. When the humans feel the chill in their bones, their fear grows and grows. That’s why I am definitely the mightiest of us all.“

Well!, the storm and thunder god, who hadn’t said much up to now, answered. „You must know that actually I am the most powerful god of us three.“

Sun and Frost laughed at him. „You? You think that you are the most powerful of us? You can’t truly believe that.“ And they laughed so hard that Sun became red cheeks and Frost lost some of his snowflakes. The storm god kept cool and simply smiled.

Why don’t we go and ask the people? Let’s go for a walk on earth and we’ll see who’s right.“

The other two lied the idea and so they went.

After a while they met a farmer returning home from his field. Upon seeing the three gods he bowed deeply to them.

Promptly the gods started discussing.

You see, he greeted me!“, Sun claimed. „His greeting was meant to me, so I am the winner.“

No, he greeted me.“, Frost was sure. „He bowed in my direction, so I must be the winner.“

You are both wrong, because he meant greeting me.“, Storm contradicted both.

Never!“, the others answered.

So the storm god went after the farmer and spoke to him: „You just bowed, but to whom did you bow?“

Of course to you, Mr. Thunder!“, the farmer replied immediately.

Whoa, Sun and Frost didn’t like that!

You’ll hear about that!“ the sun goddess promised, jumped on her chariot and away she went.

You’ll wait. When winter arrives, humankind will regret this deeply. Thunder, oh really!“ the frost god ranted and was gone as well.

The storm god waited until they were gone. Then he nodded to the farmer, who had gone pale with fear.

Don’t worry! If you need help, just call me!“ And with these words he left, too.

The farmer was working on his fields, and the first green grew like expected. Summer came, ans the fields began needing some water. Instead it became hotter and hotter, when Sun made her threat come true: The grain on the fields threatened to burn, the animals were suffering in thirst and the farmer became very, very worried. Suddenly he remembered the thunder god’s words, and he prayed:

Help me, god of storm and thunder!“

And the wind started blowing and became a real storm, that cooled down the heat and brought rain clouds to the sky. When the first thunderstorm poured down on the fields, the farmer knew: His harvest was saved!

Fall came and winter, too. And he came to stay. It seemed as if cold wouldn’t find an end. Slowly the storage and supplies were growing thin, and still there were mountains of snow around the farm. When the farmer brought his last stash of firewood into the house he remembered the thunder god again, and he prayed: „Dear Stormy One, if you can help me, please do so!“

In this night a strong wind came up and blew away the snow bearing clouds, and in the morning he had changed to a mild wind that melted down the frost. Soon the winter’s powers were broken.

The farmer and his family were very happy and they had a big party to honor the storm god.

From this day on the sun goddess and the frost god were much more friendly to the storm and thunder god and had to admit sheepishly that he truly was the mightiest god of them.