Prayer a day 2019: Gebet zu einer Göttin der bewahrten Geheimnisse

Prayer to a goddess of secrets

I‘ll die if I can‘t tell it someone.

I just have to get rid of it.

It is on the tip of my tongue, but nobody is supposed to know about it.


so I come to you.

Goddess of absolute silence,

keeper of secrets,

silent goddess of the new year.

Whatever weighs heavily on my soul

whatever I want to talk about:

It is safe with you.

Your finger, put across your mouth,

promises me:

You won‘t pass it on.

Whatever I share with you:

It is safe with you.

Angerona, keep your smart silence

in a world full of rumours and talk.

Angerona, thank you.

Angerona ist die römische Göttin der bewahrten Geheimnisse. Ihre Statue legt den Zeigefinger in der Schweigegeste über die Lippen. Eine sehr nützliche Göttin, auch heute noch.

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